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Machine Learning for Big Data

Department of Information System
Enrollment in this course is by invitation only


The course covers three generations of Big Data platforms, distributed analytics, the concept of Map Reduce, streaming and federated learning.


  • Chapter 1. Introduction to Big Data Analysis
    • Module 1.1. Big Data
    • Module 1.2. Data analysis methods
    • Module 1.3. Generations of Big Data platforms
    • Module 1.4. Distributed data analysis
  • Chapter 2. Distributed Big Data Analysis
    • Module 2.1. Computing for Big Data
    • Module 2.2. Parallel training
    • Module 2.3. Distributed learning. MapReduce
  • Chapter 3. Federated Learning
    • Module 3.1. New concept for distributed data analysis
    • Module 3.2. Data distribution
    • Module 3.3. Types of Federated Learning Systems
    • Module 3.4. Federated learning frameworks

Course Staff

Kholod Ivan

Kholod Ivan

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Informatics

St.-Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI»
  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

    4 часа в неделю
  5. Zachetnyye yedinitsy

  6. Number of Weeks
